Why do I need to be a member? |
You do not need to register to view all the questions and answers in Wisteme. You could also participate in the question discussion without a membership. However, being a member brings you following additional benefits:
• You could edit a question and become one of the contributors of the question. As a contributor, you will be supplied with a standard "advertisement" space to advertise for yourself when that question is displayed.
• You will be able to use "Watch Lists" to manage the questions that you may want to revisit again.
• You will be able to use "Saved Queries" to save search queries you might use in the future.
• You can subscribe to Wisteme newsletter to keep track of system activity at a high level. |
What is the difference between an advanced user and a regular user? |
Wisteme has two kinds of memberships: regular user and advanced user. Advanced users are those who are experienced in producing high quality editing for Wisteme. An advanced user enjoys the privilege of saving a question editing directly into the Wisteme database. While the question editing by a regular user has to be reviewed and later checked in after the approval. The advanced user thus bears more responsibility.
A regular user will be promoted to an advanced user after her or his editing experience reaches a certain level, such as editing approval ratio is greater than a predefined a value with a minimum of number of editing. An advanced user is also possible to be downgraded to a regular user if her or his contribution can not maintain the given standard (editing acceptable ratio must be greater than the system defined value).
When a user signs up for a Wisteme account, she or he can request for an advanced user membership directly. Wisteme allows those who think they could bring high quality editing to Wisteme to "borrow" advanced user membership and later being verified by real editing experience. In this case, extra identification will be verified, for example, a valid telephone number through which Wisteme will use to deliver the advanced user account activation passcode.
After Wisteme delivers the passcode to an user to activate advanced user account, an Email will also be sent to this user with a link to a Wisteme page that allows this user to input the passcode. Alternatively, the user can sign in to Wisteme site and click on "Pending Account" from the "My Profiles" pull-down menu to get to the page that allows the user to input the passcode to activate the advanced user account. |
How do I register? |
Click on the "Sign up" link at the up right corner of any page and you will get to the register page. Please remember that Wisteme use your Email address as your user id. After you fill out all the necessary input fields in the registration page, an activation Email will be sent to your Email box. You registration process ends after activating your account. Do not forget to sign in to your account to edit your profile which you could use to do marketing for yourself or your company. |
What should I do if I forget my password? |
There is a "Forget my password" link in the sign in page. Click on that link and fill in your user id (Email address). An Email will be sent to you telling you how to reset your password. |