Wisteme, the proud winner of Five Ventures entrepreneurial business competition, provides a web-based platform where anyone can collaboratively help to build a high-quality, content-rich, question-driven knowledge system. With its unique, patent pending technology, Wisteme empowers its users with efficient question search capability and an effective collaboration management environment. Anyone can be a reader of or contributor to Wisteme. The only requirements are that one abides by the Terms of Use and accepts the Privacy Policy as defined on the Wisteme web page.
As a reader, one has free access to every piece of knowledge within Wisteme. If a question cannot be found here, one could easily add that question through the Ask Question function.
One becomes a contributor to the Wisteme system when one asks a question, edits a question, modifies a question attribute, or answers a question. Every time one makes a contribution, one earns a position for free advertisement on that question's display page. Compared with paid advertisement, Wisteme's free contributor advertisement has the following advantages:
No payment - advertisement is one's reward for a contribution.
Permanent - earned free advertisement position is permanent.
Targeted - the advertisement directly targets the users seeking help in your category and domain of expertise.
Effective - one's contribution demonstrates expertise and one's caring for customers, readers, and fellow contributors.
The founders of Wisteme and the many team members, who develop and maintain Wisteme, believe that human beings from around the globe can work together to build a knowledge system that will not only benefit us today, but also for generations to come. We welcome your constructive suggestions on how to improve Wisteme and make it the most content-rich and user-friendly knowledge system on the World Wide Web. Please write to us with your suggestions at .
Please download and read our White Paper "Wisteme - Wisdom System for Everyone".
Yongcheng Li - Founder & CTO. Yongcheng's passion is making knowledge creation, sharing and management easy and fun. He has 26 years of IT research and development experience with 31 US patents issued and dozens more pending. Yongcheng has completed the CED Entrepreneurial FastTrac, a series of courses that provided excellent practical advice and "best practices" on the major challenges of start-ups. During the many weeks of FastTrac, he has built a valuable network of experts willing to answer questions and provide help in their respective areas of expertise. |
Dana Hicks - Business Development, Marketing, & Communications. Mr. Hicks has over 25 years of experience in sales, marketing, cross-functional team management, and business development. His industry experience includes management positions in the telecommunications, professional services, and other technology-driven industries. He has advised other online and e-business startups and knows from first-hand experience the challenges that a start-up company faces. He has been a mentor, coach, and judge for the start-up companies competing in the Five Ventures Business Plan Competition at UNC-Charlotte.
Dana holds a Bachelors degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Georgia Tech. He has taken executive MBA short courses at Northwestern University and at the Allen-Bradley/Rockwell Automation Management Institute in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. |
Mark Mahoney - Mark Mahoney's passion is solving business problems with technology. Mark has been involved in organized youth sports since 1973 and has instructed, coached and owned sports facilities. In the 1980s, Mark developed Class Master, a class management software system that he later sold to another company. Due to the large number of previous clients asking Mark to develop a new system, he created Jack Rabbit Class. www.JackrabbittClass.com. He decided to build a web-based application to eliminate the need for owners to worry about database backups, software updates and technical issues.
Mark brings 22 years of experience in information technology and has sold over 20 million dollars in software and services. Mark serves on the MIS Advisory Board for the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia. He also belongs to the National Eagle Scout Association.
Mark holds a BBA from the University of Georgia and enjoys marathons, water skiing and backpacking. Mark loves living in Charlotte and spending time with his wife Cheryl and children: Alice Ann, Christian and Katie Ann.
Mark Rinker - Vice President of Business Development with Netspend Corporation. www.netspend.com. Mark Rinker has more than 20 years experience growing technology and professional services companies. He was a co-Founder and COO for Procesa International, a web-based, electronic, international payment system. The company was acquired after only 6 months in operation. Prior to that, Mark was an owner/manager of IOC and COO for USiway, Inc.
Mark holds a Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering from Princeton University.
Robert Roundtree - Assistant Professor of Marketing at University of North Carolina-Charlotte. He currently teaches Internet Marketing, Sports Marketing and Marketing Strategy. His areas of marketing expertise include: Internet and Mobile Marketing, Marketing Strategy Service Industry Marketing, and Sports Marketing. Dr. Roundtree came to the Belk College from the Howard University and was also previously on the faculty at Arizona State University. His research has been published in various journals, including the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Business Research and California Management Review. Dr. Roundtree holds a PhD from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana (in Marketing), an MBA in Finance from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and a Bachelors degree in Accounting from Pace University in New York City. He has extensive professional industry experience including working with KPMG, J.P. Morgan and The National Basketball Association and is a former New York State Licensed Certified Public Accountant. Robert lives in Matthews, North Carolina and has also lived in six different European countries while working in industry. |