Question: |
Are there any tips for reducing waste and conserve natural resources? |
Category: |
Science > Environment & Ecology |
Keywords: |
reduce, waste, conserve, natural resource, reuse, recycle, product |
Type: |
other |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 541 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Reduce more waste
- Reduce Your Packaging: Buy bulk or concentrated products when you can.
Reuse and recycle more products
Recycle Automotive Products: Take car batteries, antifreeze, and motor oil to participating recycling centers.
- Reuse Products: Reuse newspaper, boxes, shipping "peanuts," and "bubble wrap" to ship packages
Compost or Learn How: Food scraps and yard waste can become natural soil conditioners.
Buy more recycled and recyclable products
- Buy Products Made From Recycled Material: Many bottles, cans, cereal boxes, containers, and cartons are made from recycled material.
- Select Reusable Products: Sturdy, washable utensils, tableware, cloth napkins, and dishcloths can be used many times.
- Use Durable Products: Choose furniture, sports equipment, toys, and tools that will stand the test of time.
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Are there any tips for reducing waste and conserve natural resources?
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