Question: |
How to exercise and stay safe in winter? |
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Sports & Recreation > Winter Sports |
Keywords: |
winter, exercise, outdoor, physical activity, tip, health, sport, workout |
Type: |
how |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 720 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
With the temperatures plummeting this time of year, many of us tend to hibernate inside our homes. But, as humans it's important to stay active through all four seasons, so we humans must continue to exercise. There are multiple exercise options one can choose to participate in regardless of what the outdoor thermometer reads. You can find many benefits to exercise in the cold. Exercise can help shake those winter blues. It improves your mood, increases your energy level, gives you a positive outlook and helps you sleep better. So try to set aside 30 minutes or more on most days of the week for physical activity.
Depending on your location and likes, you can choose to workout inside or outside.
If you prefer to workout outside, keep the following tips and safety precautions in mind:
A proper warm-up is important. Cold temperatures can make your muscles tight and therefore they are more prone to injuries. So, it's important to get them warmed-up prior to engaging in intense physical activity. The best approach to dressing for outdoor exercise is with layers. Layering provides the most effective heating method, plus it allows you to remove the top layer if you get too hot. But remember that the layer closest to your skin should allow moisture to be wicked away. The top layer should be both wind and water resistant.
Don't assume that you have to sweat in order to get a good workout. You should avoid sweating that causes the clothing layer closest to your skin to get wet and cause you to be chilled. Instead monitor your intensity through a heart rate monitor or the Rating of Perceived Exertion.
Drink plenty of water. It's just as important to stay hydrated when exercising in winter as it is in summer, even though you might not feel as thirsty.
Lighten up. If possible, it's best to exercise outdoors during daylight areas. But, with shorten days that can be difficult to do. If you exercise outdoors when it is dark, wear reflective materials to ensure that you can be seen.
Stretching is especially important in the winter months when it's easier to cramp up or pull a cold muscle.
People who are prone to asthma should make sure they carry Ventolin, as they are more susceptible to asthma with the cold air.
Don't strip when you get inside. While you may be tempted to immediately remove your layers when returning inside, give your body time to adjust. Post exercise hypothermia is possible. This happens when your body rapidly loses its heating stores.
If you can not bear the cold weather outside, you can also carve out a space indoors with the equipment you need. Find exercise videos you love, Walk at an indoor location, create a home gym or join a health club for a variety of physical activities. You will find that get in the habit of exercising consistently will make you stay active all year long.
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How to exercise and stay safe in winter?
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