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    Question ID:   9187         Current Version: 1
Question: What is an enzyme?
Category: Science > Biology
Keywords: enzyme
Type: what
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 555    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  

Enzyme is a protein or protein-based molecule that speeds up a chemical reaction in a living organism. Enzymes are catalysts (any substance which makes a chemical reaction go faster, without itself being changed. A catalyst can be used over and over again in a chemical reaction: it does not get used up). An enzyme helps convert a specific set of reactants (called substrates) into specific products. Enzymes bind temporarily to one or more of the reactants of the reaction they catalyze. In doing so, they lower the amount of activation energy needed and thus speed up the reaction. Without enzymes, our guts would take weeks and weeks to digest our food, our muscles, nerves and bones would not work properly and so on - we would not be living! Enzymes are found in the mouth (saliva), stomach (gastric juice), intestines (pancreatic juice, intestinal juice, and intestinal mucosa), blood, and every other organ and cell in the body.
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