Is it a cold or the flu? Know the difference
While a common cold, including chest cold and head cold, can be caused by more than 200 viruses, seasonal flu is caused by either influenza A or B viruses. Cold and flu remedies can usually ease symptoms.
A cold and the flu (also called influenza) are alike in many ways. But the flu can sometimes lead to more serious problems, such as pneumonia.
A stuffy nose, sore throat, and sneezing are usually signs of a cold. Tiredness, fever, headache, and major aches and pains probably mean you have the flu.
Coughing can be a sign of either a cold or the flu. But a bad cough usually points to the flu.
Know when to call your doctor
You usually do not have to call your doctor right away if you have signs of a cold or flu. But you should call your doctor in these situations:
- Your symptoms get worse.
- Your symptoms last a long time.
- After feeling a little better, you show signs of a more serious problem. Some of these signs are a sick-to-your-stomach feeling, vomiting, high fever, shaking, chills, chest pain, or coughing with thick, yellow-green mucus.
Try to avoid getting a cold
Wash your hands often. You can pick up cold germs easily, even when shaking someone's hand or touching doorknobs or handrails.
- Avoid people with colds when possible.
- Sneeze or cough into a tissue and then throw the tissue away.
- Clean surfaces you touch with a germ-killing disinfectant.
- Don't touch your nose, eyes, or mouth. Germs can enter your body easily by these paths.
Try to avoid getting the flu
A flu shot can greatly lower your chance of getting the flu. The best time to get the shot is from the middle of October to the middle of November, because most people get the flu in the winter.
The shot can't cause the flu. But you may feel sore or weak or have a fever for a few days.
Prescription medicine can prevent flu, too
If you are one of those who should not get the flu shot, ask your doctor about prescription medicine to help prevent flu.
And if you get the flu, taking this medicine within the first 48 hours can make your illness less serious.
But do not take antibiotics for a cold or flu
Antibiotics won't work against cold and flu germs.
And, you should take antibiotics only when really needed.
Help yourself feel better while you are sick
A cold usually lasts only a few days to a week. Tiredness from the flu may continue for several weeks.
To feel better while you are sick:
Drink plenty of fluids.
- Get plenty of rest.
- Use a humidifier -- an electric device that puts water into the air.
- Take a cough and cold medicine you buy without a prescription. It may help.