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    Question ID:   8752         Current Version: 1
Question: What does your liver do?
Category: Health & Beauty > Skin and Body
Keywords: function, work, liver
Type: what
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 693    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  

The liver is one of the largest organs in your body. It is roughly the size of a football and is tucked up under the ribs on the right side of the body. It has many important jobs. It's like a factory that makes vital substances (such as albumin and factors that help with blood clotting) and you can't live without it. It cleanses the body of toxins (like alcohol) and bacteria. It produces bile that helps digest food. The healthy liver also gathers and stores important substances for your body to use later, such as sugar and vitamins.

The liver is able to perform these tasks because millions of cells work as a team around the clock. Everything that enters the body through the mouth is digested in the stomach and intestines. These raw materials then enter the liver factory through the bloodstream and the worker liver cells break them down, purify them, make useful products, and get rid of harmful products. The tasks that the liver performs are:

  • Helps digest food and absorb nutrients;
  • Helps control bleeding by making clotting factors;
  • Makes body chemicals such as fats, cholesterol, and protein;
  • Stores sugar and vitamins for our bodies to use when needed; and
  • Takes toxins and alcohol out of the blood and turns them into substances that can easily be eliminated from the body.
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