Question: |
What is stratosphere? |
Category: |
Science > Weather |
Keywords: |
atmosphere, stratosphere |
Type: |
what |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 326 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Stratosphere is the second layer of Earth's atmosphere (above the troposphere). It extends from the top of the troposphere to an altitude of 50 kilometers. The stratosphere is home to Earth's ozone layer, which stops potentially lethal amounts of ultraviolet radiation from reaching Earth's surface.
In stratosphere, temperature remains constant up to 20 kilometers. The layer of the atmosphere is very cold and exceedingly sparse and the temperature variation is very small, this results in almost no air movement. However, temperature increases slowly to about 30 kilometers, above which it rises rapidly. At an altitude of 50 kilometers, the temperature ceases to rise. The temperatures in the upper part of the stratosphere can be higher than those near the Earth's surface.
The stratosphere differs from the troposphere in a very significant manner; in this region temperatures increase with height. In addition, the stratosphere contains a significant amount of ozone that absorbs large amounts of the sun's ultraviolet radiation and so protects plants and animals from these harmful rays. The elevated warm layer of air above the troposphere is important because it acts as a lid on how much energy can be transported from the earth's surface to outer space. There is very little moisture in the stratosphere, but thin ice clouds do form from time-to-time. In short, weather in the stratosphere has little direct effect on mountain weather.
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