Question: |
What is soil erosion? |
Category: |
Science > Earth Sciences |
Keywords: |
soil erosion, erode |
Type: |
what |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 401 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Soil erosion is a natural process that occurs when the actions of water and/or wind cause topsoil to be removed and carried elsewhere.
Soil erosion can be caused by either water or wind. In many agricultural areas, soil is eroding at a rate of several tons of soil per acre per year or higher.
The good news is that soil erosion in the U.S. is decreasing. From 1982-1997, soil erosion declined about 40% in the U.S., due to government conservation programs, technological advances, and extension education efforts.
- Water erosion is caused by the erosive power of raindrops falling on the soil (particularly if the soil is not covered by vegetation or residue) or by surface runoff. Raindrops cause the less severe forms of erosion (know as sheet and interrill erosion). Severe erosion problems such as rill erosion, channel erosion, and gully erosion can result from concentrated overland flow of water.
- Wind erosion is particularly a problem in windy areas when the soil is not protected by residue cover. Wind erosion in the United States is most widespread in the Great Plains states. Wind erosion is a serious problem on cultivated organic soils, sandy coastal areas, alluvial soils along river bottoms, and other areas in the United States.
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