Question: |
Can stevia cause cancer? |
Category: |
Food & Drink > Other |
Keywords: |
cause, cancer, risk, stevia, stevioside, steviol |
Type: |
other |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 533 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
In recent years, a sweetening product called stevia (stevioside or steviol) has received much public attention. It is 250 to 300 times sweeter than sugar. To date (as of 2003), the FDA has not approved it for use as a sweetener in the United States, but stevia may be sold as a dietary supplement. Researchers have found that the main chemical in stevia can be converted in the laboratory to a compound that causes changes in genes. More study is needed to learn whether the same changes, which might lead to cancer, could occur in people.
Source: National Cancer Institute
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Can stevia cause cancer?
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