Question: |
Why is water essential to all life? |
Category: |
Science > Biology |
Keywords: |
earth, important, cell, human, essential, life, water |
Type: |
why |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 404 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Water is required for all life on Earth because it is essential to cells and metabolic systems.
- Water is an extraordinarily versatile molecule. About two thirds of the mass of a cell is made up of water, and most of the biochemical processes of life occur in water solutions.
- Water is the perfect liquid medium in which to dissolve nutrients for ingestion or wastes for excretion, to transport important chemicals or even be used as one.
- The solid form of water, ice, floats, preventing lakes and oceans from freezing solid.
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Why is water essential to all life?
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