Question: |
What is family value? |
Category: |
Family & Relationships > Friends & Family |
Keywords: |
family, value |
Type: |
what |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 226 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Answer: |
Family values are family's beliefs or ideas on many important subjects, such as what is good and bad or what is right and wrong. Different families may have different set of values that are critical and meaningful to them. They may select education, honesty, friendship, hardworking, cooperation or a combination of them as their top or high priority family values. Family values chosen explicitly or implicitly by families have direct impact on their behaviors and actions, like
- how they treat and relate to each other
- the way they spend their money
- what they wear and eat
- how they spend their spare time
Family values are developed through living in a specific family and culture. When children grow up, they are exposed to other people's values at school, social events, and the playground that may confuse them. It is necessary for parents to communicate with their children about what their family values are and why these particular things are important. They should also educate their kids to respect the values of others. It should also be noticed that family values might change overtime and a continuous communication within a family about their values is necessary.
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