Earth Day was founded in 1970 by John McDonnell (from the United States). It used to be celebrated on the first day of spring (the March Equinox) and still is by many people. As a worldwide celebration, April 22 is the more recognized date.
Earth day is intended for all of us to recognize how we influence our limited resources from our planet. There are often activities, campaigns and events scheduled on this day to promote awareness of Earth issues. You may choose to participate in a local event or start your own! Some ideas that you could put in motion are: Pick up trash on the playground, recycle garbage, plant a tree, etc.
Earth Day is a time to celebrate gains we have made and create new visions to accelerate environmental progress. Earth Day is a time to unite around new actions. Earth Day and every day is a time to act to protect our planet.
As Earth Trustees we will strive in our daily life to help "peace, justice and the care of Earth." We will seek to make choices in our daily conduct that will foster harmony, lessen pollution, diminish waste and assist nature. Then on Earth Day think about and talk about our wonderful planet - what you have done to help it and your plans for the coming year.
As soon as there is global understanding about Earth Day -- its history, meaning, purpose and Earth Trustee vision, a healthy global unity will pervade the world.
We will then acknowledge and accommodate our differences more freely because nature's day will bring us together on what we agree is most important -- the nurture of people and planet.
These new connections with one another will bring united support for common global goals, one unanimous holiday and new hope for the future.
There are lots of easy things you can do in your own homes and neighborhoods every day to help save our earth, air, and water. So, celebrate the Earth Day holiday by learning new ways to protect the environment together.
Earth day is a chance to unite the world in a common cause that will benefit all.