Question: |
What carries viruses that cause viral hemorrhagic fevers? |
Category: |
Diseases & Conditions > Infectious Disease |
Keywords: |
zoonotic, carry, carrier, virus, cause, viral hemorrhagic fevers |
Type: |
what |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 449 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Viruses associated with most VHFs are zoonotic. This means that these viruses naturally reside in an animal reservoir host or arthropod vector. They are totally dependent on their hosts for replication and overall survival. For the most part, rodents and arthropods are the main reservoirs for viruses causing VHFs. The multimammate rat, cotton rat, deer mouse, house mouse, and other field rodents are examples of reservoir hosts. Arthropod ticks and mosquitoes serve as vectors for some of the illnesses. However, the hosts of some viruses remain unknown -- Ebola and Marburg viruses are well-known examples.
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What carries viruses that cause viral hemorrhagic fevers?
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