Question: |
How does solar radiation affect weather? |
Category: |
Science > Weather |
Keywords: |
sun, solar, radiation, affect, weather, earth |
Type: |
how |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 659 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
The earth's atmosphere, affected by solar radiation and earth's motions, produces a variety of weather.
Solar radiation hitting the earth, a sphere which is tilted on its axis, puts into effect differential heating of the earth's surface. This affects weather and climate all across the globe.
For example, the tropics along the equator get a lot more heat than at the poles. The air at the equator is heated and becomes less dense and rises. This rising air creates low pressure at the equator. The rising air cools and as it cools water vapor condenses with increasing altitude. This creates the high rainfall that we get at the Intertropical Convergence Zone in the tropics.
Solar radiation also drives atmospheric circulation or the winds across the globe. As the excess heat in the tropics rises, the rising air is circulated around the globe due to the Coriolus force, or the force of the rotation of the earth. The earth then gets major wind belts along it's surface which in turn affect weather all over the world.
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How does solar radiation affect weather?
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