Question: |
How do I send an email to a list of recipients using Thunderbird without disclosing the list of recipients? |
Category: |
Computers > Software |
Keywords: |
Thunderbird email, send, list, disclose, recipient, bcc |
Type: |
how |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 682 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Creating A Mailing List
You need to create a mailing list first. This article, "Mailing lists - To create a new mailing list", from MozillaZine Knowledge Base explains the steps of doing that.
Send An Email to A Mailing List
The above article "Mailing lists - To compose a message addressed to a mailing list" also describes the necessary steps. What you basically need to do is to select your list as the email recipient.
Hide the Recipient List
Use "Bcc" instead of "To" to hide the recipient list.
Completely Hide List Name
However, you could still have the list name or "undisclosed-recipients:" displayed. To completely hide undisclosed recipients, you could set mail.compose.add_undisclosed_recipients setting to true using the Config Editor: Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> General -> Config Editor. After you opened Config Editor, find the configuration setting of mail.compose.add_undisclosed_recipients and change its value to false.
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How do I send an email to a list of recipients using Thunderbird without disclosing the list of recipients?
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