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    Question ID:   7323         Current Version: 1
Question: What is myopia (nearsightedness)?
Category: Diseases & Conditions > Eye
Keywords: symptom, cause, treatment, myopia, eye, sight, nearsight, nearsightedness
Type: what
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 219    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  


Myopia means nearsighted. The eyes cannot focus correctly which makes remote objects appear blurred. Many people have myopia. They can usually see better when they wear glasses.


Nearsightedness occurs when the physical length of the eye is greater than the optical length. The light comes in the pupil. It focuses before the back of the eye. Glasses can change the light so that it focuses at the back of the eye. Nearsightedness often develops in the rapidly growing school-aged child or teenager, and progresses during the growth years, requiring frequent changes in glasses or contact lenses. It usually stops progressing as a person finishes growing in his or her early twenties.

Those with a family history of nearsightedness are more likely to develop it. The habit of using your eyes also have impacts on the development of nearsightedness.


  • Blurred vision when trying to see distant objects
  • Eyestrain
  • Headaches (uncommon)

An eye care professional can diagnose nearsightedness and other refractive errors during a comprehensive dilated eye examination. People with this condition often visit their eye care professional with complaints of visual discomfort or blurred vision.

What will help you if you have myopia?

  • Wear glasses if they help you see better.
  • Make things look bigger. The easy way to make things look bigger is to move them close to you or move yourself close to them. Use a bookstand to hold your book so that you can sit up to look at it up close. Maybe a magnifier will help you see things close to you. You can make print and pictures bigger on the computer or with a copy machine.
  • A monocular telescope may help you see signs outside and the board in class. You can use it to see animals in the zoo and things in a museum as well.
  • Bright light may help you see better.
  • If you can only read really big print, you may want to learn braille.
  • If you bump into things and trip on things, you may want to learn to use a white cane.
  • There are several surgical procedures, such as LASIK, that reshape the cornea, shifting the focus point from in front of the retina to the retina.
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