Question: |
What is the Linnaean taxonomic system? |
Category: |
Science > Biology |
Keywords: |
common, name, plant, animal, Carl Linnaeaus, Linnaean Taxonomic, Taxonomy, system |
Type: |
what |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 393 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
In order to effectively study plants and animals, all scientists need to use the same names. Using the same names keeps scientists from getting confused about what species is being referred to. Our current classification system was created by Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeaus in 1757; this is what we refer to as Taxonomy.
The Linnaean taxonomic system is a classification system. Not only does it provide official names for every plant and animal, it also helps scientists understand how objects are related to one another. The Linnaean system is based on a series of nested categories. Each Linnaean name is based on Latin and Greek root words which are often difficult to pronounce.
People that are not scientists use common names. For example, the blues whale is known by two names: 1) Most people call them by their common name: "blue whale" while 2) Scientists use the blue whale's scientific name: Balaenoptera musculus.
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What is the Linnaean taxonomic system?
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