Question: |
When is the best time to transplant azaleas in North Carolina? |
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Home & Garden > Lawn & Garden |
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best, time, azaleas, transplant, north carolina |
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when |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 521 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 2 |
According to Azalea Society of America, the general goal when transplanting azaleas is to minimize the stress (caused by leaving some of the roots behind) on the plant being moved. The recommended time for transplanting is
Cool weather (preferred): such as early fall, early spring, or in the winter unless the soil is frozen or soggy.
Warm weather: better choosing an overcast day, or a day or so after raining (soil cooled), or earlier or later in the day.
- Planning a year or two ahead can also reduce the stress.
If you have the option of choosing the transplanting date, then pick one during the cool weather. For North Carolina, there should be plenty cool days in early spring and late fall.
To learn more about when and how to transplant azaleas, please check out Transplanting azaleas from Azalea Society of America. The same webpage also provide answers to other commons questions regarding azaleas.
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When is the best time to transplant azaleas in North Carolina?
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