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    Question ID:   6929         Current Version: 1
Question: Who invented the microscope?
Category: Science > Physics
Keywords: invent, inventor, history, microscope
Type: who
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 618    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  

Microscope is an instrument that enables human eyes to see enlarged images of small objects in more details through the use of a lens or combinations of lenses. It is an essential piece of equipment for many biologists.

Before the microscope was invented, people had discovered magnifiers (a piece of transparent crystal whose middle part is thicker than the edges made things look larger) and "burning glasses" (the crystal that could focus sunlight to set fire to cloth or parchment). Spectacles were invented at the end of the 13th century and they were named lenses because they look like the seeds of a lentil.

The earliest microscope was just a simple tube with a plate. People could view enlarged (less than 10 times) the object placed at one end of the tube through the lens placed at the other end.

The beginnings of the first real microscope were believed to be invented in the Netherlands around 1590 by lens makers Hans Jannsen and his son Zacharias. They placed one lens behind the other in a tube. In 1619 another Dutch inventor named Cornelius Drebbel used two convex lenses to form what is sometimes considered the first compound microscope.

Few major improvements were made until the middle of the 19th century. The invention of the microscope opened up science to new exploration. As more microscopes were made and available, scientists could look at objects or details that previously were too small to be seen by the human eye. Today they are an essential tool in every high school, college, hospital, and research laboratory. New advanced variations of microscopes have been invented and developed, such as the electron microscope, the x-ray microscope and several others. They enable human to view or photograph matter of molecular and even atomic dimensions.

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