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Question: |
What are the best schools for computer animation? |
Category: |
Education > Higher Education (College +) |
Keywords: |
best, top, school, college, university, study, computer, animation |
Type: |
what |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 541 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Answer: |
The top computer animation schools are:
ITT Technical Institute (digital entertainment and game design program): Over 90 locations nationwide in over 30 states. Online
- International Academy of Design and Technology: Chicago, IL; Troy, MI; Henderson, NV; Nashville, TN; Orlando, FL; Sacramento, CA; San Antonio, TX; Schaumburg, IL; Tukwila, WA; Tampa, FL
Source: Best Animation Schools
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${d.lastestDate} |
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