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    Question ID:   6744         Current Version: 1
Question: What parents can do to help a young person with depression?
Category: Family & Relationships > Parenting
Keywords: tip, parents, help, youth, child, children, depression
Type: what
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 418    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  


Population studies show that at any point in time 10 to 15 percent of children and adolescents have some symptoms of depression. Having a family history of depression, particularly a parent who had depression at an early age, also increases the chances that a child or adolescent may develop depression. Once a young person has experienced a major depression, he or she is at risk of developing another depression within the next 5 years. This young person is also at risk for other mental health problems.

While several types of antidepressant medications can be effective to treat adults with depression, these medications may not be as effective in treating children and adolescents. Care must be used in prescribing and monitoring all medication.

Many mental health care providers use "talk" treatments to help children and adolescents with depression. A child or adolescent in need of treatment or services and his or her family may need a plan of care based on the severity and duration of symptoms. Optimally, this plan is developed with the family, service providers, and a service coordinator, who is referred to as a case manager. Whenever possible, the child or adolescent is involved in decisions. This "system of care" is designed to improve the child's ability to function in all areas of life--at home, at school, and in the community. For more information on systems of care, call 1.800.789.2647.

What can parents do?

  • Make careful notes about the behaviors that concern them. Note how long the behaviors have been going on, how often they occur, and how severe they seem.
  • Make an appointment with a mental health professional or the child's doctor for evaluation and diagnosis.
  • Get accurate information from libraries, hotlines, or other sources.
  • Ask questions about treatments and services.
  • Talk to other families in their community.
  • Find family network organizations.

Important messages about children's and adolescents' mental health:

  • Every child's mental health is important.
  • Many children have mental health problems.
  • These problems are real and painful and can be severe.
  • Mental health problems can be recognized and treated.
  • Caring families and communities working together can help.
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