Question: |
How can I deliver high quality work through self-management? |
Category: |
Job & Careers > Career Counseling |
Keywords: |
deliver, high, quality, work, self, management, self-management, workplace |
Type: |
how |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 399 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 2 |
Self management is a key skill for delivering high quality work and achieving career success. To develop and improve your ability for self-management, you need to learn what it means to be self-managing, what skills you need to develop, and how to execute well.
- You are responsible for controlling and coordinating your own work.
- You need to have freedom to make decisions about your work.
- You can negotiate and influence your manager towards the accomplishment of shared goals.
Skill Set
- Develop a system for organizing work using multitasking skills
- Apply time-management skills
- Apply anger-management skills
- Apply stress-management skills
- Arrange work environment based on the principles of ergonomics
- Maintain a work area conducive to productivity (e.g., neat, orderly)
- Manage resources to support achievement of goals
- Set personal goals and monitor their own progress.
- Solve problems creatively.
- Develop new skills on your own.
- Tackle increasingly complex tasks.
- Seek out guidance as needed.
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How can I deliver high quality work through self-management?
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