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    Question ID:   633         Current Version: 1
Question: What are the total number of Summer Olympic medals by countries?
Category: Sports & Recreation > Olympics
Keywords: Total Number, Summer Olympic Game, Medal, Country
Type: other
Rating:(2 ratings)    Views: 1223    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  


Total Summer Olympic Medals by Countries (As of 2008) 

1. United States of America 931 728 640 2299
2. USSR 395 319 296 1010
3. Great Britain 208 255 252 715
4. France 190 212 233 635
5. Italy 190 157 174 521
6. Germany 164 163 202 529
7. People's Republic of China 163 117 106 386
8. Hungary 159 141 159 459
9. German Democratic Republic (1955-1990) 153 129 127 409
10. Sweden 142 159 174 475
11. Australia 131 137 164 432
12. Japan 123 112 125 360
13. Russian Federation 108 97 110 315
14. Finland 101 83 115 299
15. Romania 86 89 116 291
16. Netherlands 71 79 96 246
17. Korea 68 74 73 215
18. Cuba 67 64 63 194
19. Poland 62 77 119 258
20. Canada 58 94 108 260
21. Federal Republic of Germany (1950-1990, "GER" since) 56 67 81 204
22. Norway 54 48 43 145
23. Bulgaria 51 84 77 212
24. Czechoslovakia 49 49 45 143
25. Switzerland 45 70 65 180
26. Unified Team (ex USSR) 45 38 29 112
27. Denmark 41 63 65 169
28. Belgium 37 51 51 139
29. Turkey 37 23 22 82
30. New Zealand 36 16 35 87
31. Spain 34 49 30 113
32. Greece 30 42 36 108
33. United Team of Germany (1956,1960,1964) 28 54 36 118
34. Yugoslavia 28 31 31 90
35. Ukraine 28 22 46 96
36. Kenya 22 29 24 75
37. South Africa 20 24 26 70
38. Brazil 19 26 46 91
39. Austria 18 33 35 86
40. Ethiopia 18 6 14 38
41. Argentina 17 23 24 64
42. Jamaica 14 24 16 54
43. Mexico 12 18 25 55
44. Islamic Republic of Iran 11 15 22 48
45. Belarus 10 20 36 66
46. Democratic People's Republic of Korea 10 12 19 41
47. Czech Republic 10 12 11 33
48. Kazakhstan 9 16 14 39
49. Estonia 9 8 14 31
50. Ireland 9 7 8 24
51. India 9 4 7 20
52. Mixed Team 8 5 4 17
53. Slovakia 7 8 5 20
54. Egypt 7 7 10 24
55. Thailand 7 4 10 21
56. Indonesia 6 9 10 25
57. Morocco 6 5 10 21
58. Georgia 5 2 11 18
59. Portugal 4 7 11 22
60. Uzbekistan 4 5 8 17
61. Lithuania 4 4 8 16
62. Azerbaijan 4 3 9 16
63. Algeria 4 2 8 14
64. Croatia 3 6 8 17
65. Slovenia 3 5 7 15
66. Australasia (1908-1912) 3 4 5 12
67. Zimbabwe 3 4 1 8
68. Pakistan 3 3 5 11
69. Bahamas 3 3 4 10
70. Cameroon 3 1 1 5
71. Latvia 2 11 4 17
72. Nigeria 2 9 12 23
73. Mongolia 2 7 10 19
74. Chile 2 7 4 13
75. Chinese Taipei 2 6 11 19
76. Uruguay 2 2 6 10
77. Tunisia 2 2 3 7
78. Dominican Republic 2 1 1 4
79. Luxembourg 2 1 0 3
80. Trinidad and Tobago 1 5 8 14
81. Russia 1 4 3 8
82. Venezuela 1 3 8 12
83. Colombia 1 3 6 10
84. Uganda 1 3 2 6
85. Peru 1 3 0 4
86. Armenia 1 1 7 9
87. Israel 1 1 5 7
88. Costa Rica 1 1 2 4
89. Syrian Arab Republic 1 1 0 2
90. Hong-Kong 1 1 0 2
91. Ecuador 1 1 0 2
92. Panama 1 0 2 3
93. Suriname 1 0 1 2
94. Mozambique 1 0 1 2
95. Burundi 1 0 0 1
96. United Arab Emirates 1 0 0 1
97. Bahrain 1 0 0 1
98. Philippines 0 5 6 11
99. Namibia 0 4 0 4
100. Republic of Moldova 0 2 3 5
101. Lebanon 0 2 2 4
102. Iceland 0 2 2 4
103. Malaysia 0 2 2 4
104. Singapore 0 2 0 2
105. United Republic of Tanzania 0 2 0 2
106. Viet Nam 0 2 0 2
107. Serbia and Montenegro 0 2 0 2
108. Puerto Rico 0 1 5 6
109. Bohemia (TCH since 1920) 0 1 3 4
110. Ghana 0 1 3 4
111. Independant Participant 0 1 2 3
112. Kyrgyzstan 0 1 2 3
113. Serbia 0 1 2 3
114. Haiti 0 1 1 2
115. Sri Lanka 0 1 1 2
116. Zambia 0 1 1 2
117. Saudi Arabia 0 1 1 2
118. Tajikistan 0 1 1 2
119. Côte d'Ivoire 0 1 0 1
120. Netherlands Antilles 0 1 0 1
121. Virgin Islands 0 1 0 1
122. Senegal 0 1 0 1
123. Tonga 0 1 0 1
124. Paraguay 0 1 0 1
125. Sudan 0 1 0 1
126. British West Indies (BAR, JAM) 0 0 2 2
127. Qatar 0 0 2 2
128. Iraq 0 0 1 1
129. Niger 0 0 1 1
130. Bermuda 0 0 1 1
131. Guyana 0 0 1 1
132. Djibouti 0 0 1 1
133. Phillippines 0 0 1 1
134. Kuwait 0 0 1 1
135. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 0 0 1 1
136. Barbados 0 0 1 1
137. Eritrea 0 0 1 1
138. Syria 0 0 1 1
139. Afghanistan 0 0 1 1
140. Mauritius 0 0 1 1
141. Togo 0 0 1 1

Browse other:

1896, 1900, 1904, 1908, 1912, 1920, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008

Note: "Mixed Team" means that the teams were composed of athletes from different countries and the medals are not counted as part of their own countries.
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[QID:621]    1960 Summer Olympic, Rome, Italy, Medals by Countries  
[QID:620]    1956 Summer Olympic, Melbourne, Australia, Medals by Countries  
[QID:619]    1952 Summer Olympic, Helsinki, Finland, Medals by Countries  
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