Question: |
What do I need to know about sex after my baby is born? |
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Health & Beauty > Women's Health |
Keywords: |
have, sex, make love, after, delivery, give birth, baby, born |
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When to begin having sex again is different for each woman. It is a personal choice based on how you feel after giving birth. Most doctors and nurses advise waiting at least one to two weeks after your baby is born before having sex. Bleeding should be over before you have sex. If you have stitches, allow at least two to three weeks for them to heal.
Finding time and privacy for sex may be a challenge as you and your partner get used to taking care of the baby. Try to find a time when you are rested and not rushed. Try to spend some time at home with your partner away from the baby at least once a week. Keep talking about your feelings and needs. Be open and honest with each other.
Changes and discomforts during sex
Many changes are normal after you have your baby. You may not respond to sex the same way as before, or things may feel different. Most of this is due to the changing hormones in your body. When you are ready for sex, take it slowly and gently.
This advice may be helpful:
Coping with discomfort
- Do Kegel exercises to improve muscle tone and help tissues heal faster.
- If sex is painful, have your partner insert two fingers to gently ease the vagina open before having sex. Have your partner thrust less deeply and slowly at first if your opening is sore. Guide your partner's penis or fingers inside to control the depth and speed of thrust. If you are dry, allow a longer time for sexual arousal. Use a lubricant such as saliva, K-Y jelly, contraceptive cream, or foam. Do not use Vaseline or massage oil because it will destroy a condom.
- If you are tender or sore, try positions such as side to side, woman on top, or woman sitting or kneeling on top. If you had a C-section, avoid being under your partner.
- If sex is still not comfortable, try some other methods of pleasure such as mutual masturbation or oral sex.
Changes in responses
- Your vagina may be tender and you may not get wet quickly with sexual arousal. You may notice this more until your periods return.
- You may be tired and not want sex. Orgasm may take longer. Try having sex in the morning or afternoon when you are less tired. Try to find a time when you will not be rushed.
- You can be close and sexually intimate with your partner without having sex. You can have orgasms without sex. Sometimes couples just want to hold each other and snuggle.
Sex and breastfeeding
- Around the clock nursing lessens the desire for sex for some women, while others say their desire increases.
- There is no need to limit sex while you are breastfeeding.
- If milk leaks from your breasts during sex, use a towel and apply gentle pressure with your hand. You can also wear a bra.
- You may feel something like arousal or orgasm while nursing. If you do, this is due to changes in your hormones and does not mean you are having sexual feelings about your baby.
Be patient. Most of the changes and discomforts will go away within a couple of months. If you keep having problems, talk to your doctor or nurse.
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What do I need to know about sex after my baby is born?
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