Question: |
When did Washington D.C. become the Capital of United States? |
Category: |
Society & Culture > History |
Keywords: |
become, capital, United States, Washington D.C., District of Columbia |
Type: |
when |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 604 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Where are the White House, the Capitol, and the Washington Monument? Just where they should be--in the capital of the United States. On July 16, 1790, Congress declared the city of Washington in the District of Columbia, the permanent capital of the United States. On December 1, 1800, the capital was moved from Philadelphia to Washington D.C.
President George Washington commissioned French engineer Pierre-Charles L'Enfant to create a plan for the city. L'Enfant designed wide avenues and open spaces so that the capital would not become a city of crowded buildings. He knew that people would need parks where they could walk and relax. The streets of the capital were oriented in a north, south, east, and west grid pattern. Because of L'Enfant's careful planning, when you stand on the steps of the U.S. Capitol today you can look down the mall and see all the way to the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. When you see the beautiful views and dramatic landscapes of your nation's capital you can thank Pierre-Charles L'Enfant.
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When did Washington D.C. become the Capital of United States?
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