Question: |
What are the types of lighting? |
Category: |
Home Maintenance & Repairs > Electrical & Lighting |
Keywords: |
bulb, select, home, house, compare, type, lighting |
Type: |
what |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 399 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
You'll find that you have several options to consider when selecting what type of lighting you should use in your home.
When selecting energy-efficient lighting, it's a good idea to understand basic lighting terms and principles. Also, it helps to explore your lighting options for indoors and/or outdoors if you haven't already. This will help narrow your selection.
Types of lighting include:
You can use the chart below to compare the different types of lighting.
Lighting Comparison Chart
Lighting Type |
(lumens/watt) |
(hours) |
Color Rendition Index
(CRI) |
Color Temperature
(K) |
Indoors / Outdoors |
Standard "A" bulb
10–17 |
750–2500 |
98–100 (excellent) |
2700–2800 (warm) |
Indoors / outdoors |
Tungsten halogen
12–22 |
2000–4000 |
98–100 (excellent) |
2900–3200 (warm to neutral) |
Indoors / outdoors |
12–19 |
2000–3000 |
98–100 (excellent) |
2800 (warm) |
Indoors / outdoors |
Straight tube
30–110 |
7000–24,000 |
50–90 (fair to good) |
2700–6500 (warm to cold) |
Indoors / outdoors |
Compact fluorescent lamp (CFL)
50–70 |
10,000 |
65–88 (good) |
2700–6500 (warm to cold) |
Indoors / outdoors |
40–50 |
12,000 |
Indoors |
High-Intensity Discharge
Mercury vapor |
25–60 |
16,000–24,000 |
50 (poor to fair) |
3200–7000 (warm to cold) |
Outdoors |
Metal halide |
70–115 |
5000–20,000 |
70 (fair) |
3700 (cold) |
Indoors / outdoors |
High-pressure sodium |
50–140 |
16,000–24,000 |
25 (poor) |
2100 (warm) |
Outdoors |
Low-Pressure Sodium
60–150 |
12,000–18,000 |
-44 (very poor) |
Outdoors |
Source: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
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What are the types of lighting?
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