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    Question ID:   6049         Current Version: 2
Question: I am getting ready to start taking the pill. My period just ended. Do I need to wait until my next period or can i take it now? And how long before it takes effect? I will continue to have my partner use a condom but wanted to know as piece of mind.
Category: Health & Beauty > Women's Health
Keywords: start, take, birth control pills
Type: how
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 400    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 2  


There are three common ways to start taking your pills. Consult your health care provider if you have more questions or concerns.

  1. Start your first pack of pills on the day your period begins. You will not need a backup method of birth control.
  2. Start your first pack on the first Sunday after your period begins. During your first 7 days on the pill, you are not fully protected against pregnancy. You need to use a backup method like condoms seven days after starting the package.
  3. Start your pill any day if there is absolutely no chance that you could be pregnant. It is necessary to use condoms or another back-up method of birth control until you have taken seven active pills. Women concerned about a possible pregnancy before starting the pill should wait until they get their period and choose either the first day start or Sunday start method.
No matter which way you choose to start taking the pill, you will start each new pack of pills on the same day of the week as you started the first pack. It is a good idea to have an extra pack of pills and a backup method on hand in case you miss some pills or lose your pack.
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