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    Question ID:   5928         Current Version: 1
Question: What are the symptoms for dehydration?
Category: Health & Beauty > Skin and Body
Keywords: sign, symptom, drink, water, dehydration, rehydrate
Type: what
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 557    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  

An important fact to remember is that by the time you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated. The body's reaction to water levels comes from an area in the brain called the hypothalamus, which regulates thirst. Unfortunately, the hypothalamus does not signal the body it is thirsty and needs more water until dehydration is well on its way. You should always drink before you feel thirsty and especially when you are physically active.

The body's fluid requirements increase with extreme temperatures. Very cold and very hot temperatures demand more fluids to keep the body temperature normal. Fluid needs also increase with increased physical activity. Drink one to three more cups per hour as you increase the intensity and duration of your activity.

As we become more physically active in the spring and summer by taking walks in the neighborhood, working in the garden, mowing the lawn, painting, playing sports or jogging we must be careful to not become severely dehydrated. Failure to replace water your body loses every day because of sweating, breathing and eliminating waste can cause serious health problems. Dehydration can lead to death if not treated in a timely manner.

One or more of the following symptoms usually accompany dehydration:

  • extreme thirst
  • fatigue
  • impaired mental focus
  • low urine output
  • inability to produce tears
  • flushed face
  • headache
  • light-headed
  • dry lips
  • dry mouth
  • rapid heartbeat
  • cold hands
  • cold feet
  • rapid breathing
  • sunken eyes.

If these symptoms occur, start rehydrating with water immediately and see a doctor immediately. Sports drinks may be helpful because they contain small amounts of electrolytes that need replenished immediately. One easy way to check for moderate dehydration is to check the color of your urine. If the urine is dark gold in color like the color of apple juice, you need more water.

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