Question: |
What are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution called? |
Category: |
Politics > Politics |
Keywords: |
call, first, 10, ten, amendment, U.S., United States, constitution, The Bill of Rights |
Type: |
what |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 535 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution are called The Bill of Rights. The first ten Amendments to the Constitution, ratified in 1791, became known as the Bill of Rights. The Bill, using principles from the Declaration of Independence, guarantees the rights of individuals and limits government power. The first eight Amendments set out individual rights, such as the freedom of expression, the right to bear arms, freedom from search without warrant, freedom to not be tried twice for the same crime, the right to not testify against yourself, the right to trial by a jury of peers, the right to an attorney, and protection against excessive fines and unusual punishments. the last two Amendments in the Bill of Rights address the rights of the people in their relationship with the state and federal governments.
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What are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution called?
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