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    Question ID:   5790         Current Version: 2
Question: What's the difference between "then" and "than?"
Category: Education > Language Instruction
Keywords: difference, then, than
Type: what
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 487    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 2  


THEN is related to the concept of time and is used when talking about time. For example, "Do your homework first, then play." THEN is also used with IF, such as "If you have homework, then you should finish it first."

THAN is used to compare two things, people, or ideas. For example, "Playing is more fun than doing homework."

THEN and THAN are two words often get misused in English. The mistake may come from a spelling error of writing an "e" instead of an "a". The problem can also be caused by not being able to distinguish the pronunciation of "e" and "a" and thus use the wrong letter. 

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