Question: |
Why are there 100 Senators in the Untied States Senate? |
Category: |
Politics > Government |
Keywords: |
reason, 100, Senators, United, States, U.S., US, American, Senate |
Type: |
why |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 405 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Because each state elects 2 Senators. The writers of the Constitution wanted the two parts of Congress to have different characters. By giving each state only two Senators, the writers made sure that the Senate would be small. this would keep the Senate more orderly than the larger House of Representatives. As James Madison wrote in Federalist Paper #63, the Senate should be a "temperate and respectable body of citizens" that operates in a "cool and deliberate" way.
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Why are there 100 Senators in the Untied States Senate?
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