Question: |
What are the three branches of U.S. government? |
Category: |
Politics > Government |
Keywords: |
U.S., US, United States, American, government, three, branches |
Type: |
what |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 427 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Answer: |
The three branches of U.S. government are Executive, Judicial, and Legislative. The Constitution divides the government's power among three branches. These branches operate under a system of checks and balances. this means that each branch can block, or threaten to block, the action of another branch. This way, no one branch can grow too powerful and harm the liberties of citizens. For example, the Senate can block a treaty signed by the President, or the U.S. Supreme Court can reject a law passed by Congress. In the first example, the legislative branch is "checking" the executive, and the in the second, the judicial branch is "checking" the legislative.
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