Question: |
What is hypnosis? |
Category: |
Science > Social Sciences |
Keywords: |
definition, hypnosis |
Type: |
what |
Rating: (1 ratings) Views: 362 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
According to Hypnosis.ORG, Hypnosis is defined with
A heightened state of suggestibility, such that the suggestions given are accepted as being true and effect the beliefs, habits, perceptions and behaviors of an individual in varying degrees according to the depth of hypnosis established. "Deeper levels" of hypnosis enable the hypnotized individual to experience greater hypnotic phenomenon such as light states being able to create catalepsy by suggestion, and deeper states allowing the individual to experience amnesia, anesthesia, and hallucinations.Generally there are several types of hypnosis, (1) naturally occurring hypnosis, (2) hetero hypnosis, (3) self-hypnosis, and (4) waking suggestion which is similar to placebo.
Hypnosis is also defined with
a state of focused attention with a reduction of external awareness and a suspension of critical judgment. Contrary to popular belief, hypnosis does not imply suggestibility but rather the ability to focus attention to the exclusion of other stimuli. There are several mechanisms on which hypnosis is thought to have its beneficial effect.
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