Question: |
What is EPA's Design for the Environment Program? |
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Science > Environment & Ecology |
Keywords: |
EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, design for environment program, EfE, CTSA |
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what |
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EPA's Design for the Environment (DfE) Program is a voluntary initiative that forges partnerships with a variety of industries, including dry cleaning, printing, and the electronics industry, in an effort to encourage the design of safer processes and products by eliminating or minimizing pollution. The overall mission of DfE is to prevent pollution in ways that allow businesses to remain successful. In this way, a critical link can be made between environmental protection and economic productivity. DfE usually works with small and medium sized businesses. DfE partners typically include industry, professional groups, academia, environmental groups, public interest groups, labor unions, and other government agencies.
The DfE Program relies on EPA's expertise and leadership to share information and jointly research risk reduction and pollution prevention efforts. A major tool developed by the DfE Program is a Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment (CTSA), which presents relative comparisons of traditional and substitute technologies on the basis of cost, performance and risk. This unique tool is intended to inform business decision-makers, and to encourage them to consider environmental issues along with the traditional parameters of cost and performance.
In addition to the substantial technical effort to produce a CTSA, all DfE projects have large education and outreach components aimed at developing and sharing information, and promoting more environmentally preferable technology choices. Source: US EPA
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What is EPA's Design for the Environment Program?
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