Question: |
What are dry cleaners doing to reduce environmental and health risks from dry cleaning? |
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Home & Garden > Cleaning & Laundry |
Keywords: |
reduce, environment, health, risk, dry, cleaner, cleaning |
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what |
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The approximately 30,000 dry cleaners in the United States share the public's concerns about risk to the environment and human health from exposure to cleaning solvents. Many professional cleaners have taken significant steps to reduce releases. A chemical industry survey reports that in the past ten years, dry cleaners have reduced their use of perc by more than 60%. Most of this was accomplished through the replacement of old perc equipment with machines designed to reduce perc vapors going into the air, and better waste management.
Increasing numbers of drycleaners use new work practices which can significantly reduce perc exposures even in older equipment. Regular cleaning, inspection, and maintenance of equipment (e.g., ensuring repairing leaking gaskets and cleaning clogged dampers) help reduce perc emissions. In addition, some drycleaners install vapor barriers and build room enclosures which help keep perc from entering neighboring spaces, and provide safety training for workers to reduce worker exposures to perc.
An increasing number of commercial cleaners are incorporating new "greener" cleaning methods, such as wet cleaning, into their facilities. Some cleaners are involved in testing some of the emerging technologies still in development. Source: US EPA
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What are dry cleaners doing to reduce environmental and health risks from dry cleaning?
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