Question: |
How is radiation classified on the electromagnetic spectrum? |
Category: |
Science > Physics |
Keywords: |
radiation, classify, classification, EM, electromagnetic spectrum, wavelength |
Type: |
how |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 1098 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Electromagnetic radiation is all around us, though we can only see some of it. All EM radiation (also called EM energy) is made up of minute packets of energy or 'particles,' called photons, which travel in a wave-like pattern and move at the speed of light. The EM spectrum is divided into categories defined by a range of numbers. These ranges describe the activity level, or how energetic the photons are, and the size of the wavelength in each category.
For example, at the bottom of the spectrum radio waves have photons with low energies, so their wavelengths are long with peaks that are far apart. The photons of microwaves have higher energies, followed by infrared waves, UV rays, and X-rays. At the top of the spectrum, gamma rays have photons with very high energies and short wavelengths with peaks that are close together.
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How is radiation classified on the electromagnetic spectrum?
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