Question: |
Can dogs see colors? |
Category: |
Science > Zoology |
Keywords: |
dog, color, see, animal, vision |
Type: |
any |
Rating: (2 ratings) Views: 643 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 2 |
Dogs do see in color, but their perception of color is different than that of people. Dogs cannot tell the difference between red, orange, yellow, or green. The colors in the dog's world consists of yellows, blues, and grays. For example, a red object a human sees appears as yellow to the dog, while a green object looks like white, a shade of gray. The following figure [1] shows the electromagnetic spectrums of the dog and human.
Although dog's vision is worse than human's at depth and color perception. They are better at seeing in dim light, responding to an image faster and detecting the slightest motion. The visual system of the dogs were developed to work the best for them. For dogs, the ability to see at night was originally much more important than color. Their prey is often camouflaged with the surroundings, so the dogs are unable to depend on color vision cues to find food.
[1] Plonsky, M. (1998). Dr. P's Dog Training - Canine Vision.
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