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{for ul in}
{var al = toBreakWord(ul.adUrl,18)} {if ul.adSentence !=''}${ul.adSentence}
{/if} {if ul.adUrl !=''}${al}
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    Question ID:   5323         Current Version: 2
Question: What is a good advertisement?
Category: Business & Finance > Advertising & Marketing
Keywords: effective, good, advertisement, ad, ads
Type: what
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 402    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 2  

Good advertisement should get attention, win high readership scores, and generate a steady flow of valuable inquiries that convert easily to sales.
  • Good advertisement has a sense of urgency. It tells the reader to do something. It makes something happen. Good ads contain a stronger offer. They tell the reader the next step in the buying process and encourage him to take it NOW.
  • Good advertisement puts a benefit in the headline. It sells a product's benefits rather than its features: People buy based on what the product does for them not on what ingredients it has. Effective advertising tells prospects "why."
  • Good advertisement conveys its message simply. It is direct, believable and honest. Good ad does not use abstract art or concepts that force the reader to puzzle out what is being sold. Ideally, you should be able to understand exactly what the advertiser's proposition is within five seconds of looking at the ad.
  • Good advertisement provides all the facts and other useful information a reader needs without providing too many.
  • Good advertisement promotes the name of the store or brand while visually creating an image for it. It changes the customer's relationship with what's being marketed.
  • Good advertisement speaks to a specific group of people. It arouses curiosity and invite readership. It addresses the strongest interests and concerns of your target audience.
  • Good advertisement often asks a provocative question and sells answers to consumer's current needs.
  • Good advertisement uses white space. Crammed ads get poor results because readers don't want to work that hard.
Victor Schwab's "100 Good Advertising Headlines" can be a good extra reading to learn some real world examples.
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