Question: |
How does one study for tests in middle school? |
Category: |
Education > K-12 |
Keywords: |
middle, school, prepare, study, tip, test, exam |
Type: |
how |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 324 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
- Do not procrastinate! Do plan ahead, and allow enough time to study gradually.
- Take accurate notes in class daily. Note when a teacher indicates what will be emphasized on a test.
- Take accurate notes from your reading; keep track of main ideas and some details for each idea.
- Use abbreviations, short cuts, and pictures when taking notes.
- Review your notes after every class. (Do not wait until test time.) Ask your teacher about information you missed or do not understand.
- Find out what kind of test will be given. Study details for objective tests. Study ideas, causes, and relationships for essay tests.
- Ask your teacher for sample tests to practice on. Correct and restudy areas where you are weak.
- Make up your own sample tests to practice on. Try to simulate the test, the directions, the length of test, etc. as closely as possible.
- Review in short sessions. Study for 20-30 minutes, take a five minute break and move around, etc., and return for another 20-30 minute session.
- Study actively! Cover up notes and recall them, recite or explain information to yourself, take notes on your notes, etc. Use flash cards (draw pictures as needed.)
- Study early in the morning, once during school, again in the evening, etc. It is much easier to really learn materials that you are reviewing or have learned before.
- Try reviewing with a partner. If you can clearly explain/recite facts or ideas to someone else, you know that information.
- Most people remember most easily the information studied first and last.
- Concentrate, take a deep breath, turn out other noises, focus on the goal, and give it your best shot!
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How does one study for tests in middle school?
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