Question: |
Do dogs laugh? |
Category: |
Home & Garden > Pets |
Keywords: |
dog, laugh, biology, animal, how, zoology, pets |
Type: |
other |
Rating: (1 ratings) Views: 381 Discussions: 1 In Watch Lists: 2 |
Do dogs laugh? The answer is yes. You must feel a bit confused, but it proved to be true. Dogs laugh in their own way.
Patricia Simonet, an animal behaviorist working with the Spokane Regional Animal Protection System (SCRAPS) Shelter, has been studying dog laughter since 2001. She discovered that when dogs are making the excited panting noise while playing or anticipating a much desired walk, they are actually laughing. Experiments show that the panting noise (i.e. laughter) also has the function of calming other dysphonic and barking dogs.
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