Question: |
When I tried to play .AVI movie using Windows Media Player, I got an error messages saying that "codec is being requested, error downloading codec." How could I know which codec it is looking for and where can I download it? |
Category: |
Computers > Software |
Keywords: |
.avi, avi, DivX, movie, video, Windows Media Player, codec, error, requested |
Type: |
how |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 511 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 2 |
When you play a movie that requires an appropriate codec for a given file you don't have, Window Media Player will usually try to download the codec. However this doesn't mean that Window Media Player can actually find the correct codec. This download routine typically fails and the player may continue to play with only sound but no pictures.
For an .avi extension movie that Window Media Player cannot play, most likely the file you need is DivX. You can get the codec at and install it to play the movie.
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When I tried to play .AVI movie using Windows Media Player, I got an error messages saying that "codec is being requested, error downloading codec." How could I know which codec it is looking for and where can I download it?
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