Pharmacy shelves are filled with medicines that can be bought without a prescription. But be aware that just because a drug is available over the counter (often abbreviated OTC) doesn't mean it's free of side effects.
OTC drugs should be taken with the same caution as drugs prescribed by your doctor. Special care is necessary if you use more than one of these products at the same time, or if you take an OTC product while also being treated with a prescription product. And there are some OTC drugs that shouldn't be taken by people with certain medical problems. If possible, ask your parent, pharmacist or physician for advice before taking any OTC product you haven't used before.
Besides getting expert advice, the most important thing you can do before buying an OTC drug is to read the label. The name of the product isn't always the same as the name of the drug it contains, and some products contain more than one ingredient. For example, a product for coughs and one for colds might each contain phenylpropanolamine. A person taking both products at the same time might get too much of this ingredient, which is also in some OTC diet pills.
Aspirin and Other Fever Reducers
Reading the label is especially important when it comes to products containing aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) or their chemical cousins, other salicylates, which are used to reduce fever or treat headaches and other pain.
Teens (as well as children) should not take products containing aspirin or salicylates when they have chickenpox, flu, or symptoms that might be the flu (this includes most colds). Children and teenagers who take aspirin and other salicylates during these illnesses may develop a rare but life-threatening condition called Reye syndrome. (Symptoms usually occur near the end of the original illness and include severe tiredness, violent headache, disorientation, and excessive vomiting.)
Acetaminophen (sold under brand names such as Tylenol) can also reduce fever and relieve pain and has not been associated with Reye syndrome. Remember though, because fevers in most colds don't normally go above 100 degrees Fahrenheit and don't cause much discomfort, you usually don't have to take any drug for the fever. If you think you have a cold but your temperature is running higher, consult your doctor because you might have flu or a bacterial infection.
Sniffle and Cough Combinations
OTC drugs to relieve stuffy noses often contain more than one ingredient. Some of these products are marketed for allergy relief and others for colds. They usually contain both an antihistamine and a nasal decongestant. The decongestant ingredient "un-stuffs" nasal passages while antihistamines dry up a runny nose. But some of these products may also contain aspirin or acetaminophen, and some contain a decongestant alone. Some of these drugs are "extended-release" or "long-acting" preparations that continue to work for up to 12 hours. Others are immediate-release products and usually work for four to six hours. It's important to read the label, and check with the pharmacist, to be sure you're getting the right product for your symptoms.
Most antihistamines can cause drowsiness, while many decongestants have the opposite effect. Still, it's hard to predict whether any one product will make you sleepy or keep you awake--or neither--because reactions to drugs can vary from one person to another. So it's best not to drive or operate machinery until you find out how the drug affects you. In addition, alcohol, sedatives and tranquilizers intensify the drowsiness effect of antihistamines, so it's best not to take them at the same time unless a doctor tells you to.
As you can see, selecting a product to treat a stuffy nose can be tricky. So can choosing a product to treat a cough. In addition to one or more ingredients specifically for coughs, many cold or cough syrups contain the same ingredients that are in allergy and cold pills. This means that if you're taking acetaminophen pills or cold pills, you should read the label or consult the pharmacist to make sure you're not getting a double dose of ingredients by taking a cold or cough syrup.
There are several different types of ingredients to treat coughs, depending on the kind of cough you have. Some ingredients make it easier for you to bring up phlegm, while others suppress the cough. Before taking any kind of cough medicine, it's a good idea to first try drinking plenty of liquids and adding moisture to the air by using a vaporizer or boiling water. Sometimes just doing these things will reduce the cough enough that you won't have to take any medicine. If a cough lasts more than a few days, see your doctor.
Stomach Help
When your stomach gets upset, you'll want the quickest relief possible. But unless the problem continues for several days or is severe, drugs are not usually necessary.
If you're constipated, drinking more water, getting more exercise, and eating high-fiber foods such as fruits and vegetables, will often solve the problem.
Though appropriate for some medical conditions, laxatives can be habit forming and can make constipation worse when overused. Not having a bowel movement every day does not necessarily mean that you're constipated, for some people it's normal.
If you have diarrhea, it's a good idea to rest, eat only small amounts of food at a time, and drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. OTC products marketed to stop diarrhea may contain loperamide (Imodium A-D), or attapulgite (Diasorb, Kaopectate and others), or bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol and others). Teens should avoid products with bismuth subsalicylate if they have flu or chickenpox symptoms because of the risk of Reye syndrome.
If you're running a fever above 100 F, or if your upset stomach symptoms are severe or continue for more than a day or two, consult your doctor. She may recommend one of the many OTC products available for these problems.
Skin Treatment
Rashes can be caused by many different things--including allergies, funguses, and poison oak or ivy. So it's best to get a doctor's opinion about what's causing your rash before treating it.
There are topical OTC products that you apply directly to the skin available specifically to treat poison ivy and oak. Some of these products contain calamine, which protects the skin, and benzocaine, which dulls the pain or itching. Other products contain an antihistamine or hydrocortisone, which relieve itching. Antihistamine creams, such as Benadryl, and hydrocortisone products, such as Cortaid and Caldecort, can also be used for rashes from allergies and insect bites, but you shouldn't use them for more than seven days without seeing a doctor.
Acne, another type of skin problem, can also be treated with topical OTC products. Many of these lotions (such as Clearasil products and Oxy-5 and -10) contain benzoyl peroxide in strengths of 2.5, 5, or 10 percent. It's best to try the lower dosage level first, to keep your skin from getting too dry.
Benzoyl peroxide can also increase your sensitivity to sun, causing you to burn more easily. If you use a product with benzoyl peroxide remember to wear sunscreen during the day to protect your skin.
Expert Advice
These are just a few of the types of products available over the counter. Their number and uses can be confusing to adults and teens alike. Before buying any product you haven't already used, it's best to read the labeling and, if possible, ask the pharmacist how the product works and what it should be used for. And, if still in doubt, check with your doctor.