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    Question ID:   4962         Current Version: 1
Question: What do I need to know about mango?
Category: Food & Drink > Other
Keywords: fruit, mango
Type: what
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 400    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 1  

Most Americans consider the mango an exotic fruit with the taste of a peach and pineapple. Although it is popular in tropical areas it actually originated in Southeast Asia or India where it has been grown more than 4,000 years. Over the years mango groves have spread to many parts of the tropical and sub-tropical world, where the climate allows the mango to grow best. Mango trees are evergreens that will grow to 60 feet tall. The mango tree will fruit 4 to 6 years after planting. Mango trees require hot, dry periods to set and produce a good crop. Most of the mangos sold in the United States are imported from Mexico, Haiti, the Caribbean and South America.


Today there more than 1,000 different varieties of mangos throughout the world. Mangos come in different shapes, sizes and coloring depending on the ripeness. The colors range from yellow to green to orange or red. They weigh as little as a few ounces up to a few pounds. All varieties have a very rich tropical flavor when ripe.


Choose firm plump mangos that give slightly when pressure is applied. Avoid those with bruised or dry and shriveled skin. The ripeness of mangos can be determined by either smelling or squeezing. A ripe mango will have a full, fruity aroma emitting from the stem end. Mangos can be considered ready to eat when slightly soft to the touch and yield to gentle pressure. The best-flavored fruit have a yellow tinge when ripe; however, color may be red, yellow, orange, green, or any combination.


Store mangos at room temperature and out of the sun, until ripened. The ideal storage temperature for mangos is 55 degrees F. When stored properly a mango should have a shelf life of 1 to 2 weeks. While the mango will not ripen in the refrigerator, it can be kept chilled there once ripe. Store cut mangos in a plastic bag for no more than 3 days.

Cutting Know How

  • With a sharp thin-bladed knife, cut off both ends of the fruit.
  • Place fruit on flat end and cut away peel from top to bottom along curvature of the fruit.
  • Cut fruit into slices by carving lengthwise along the pit


Red Pepper Mango Onion Sauce
Makes 6 servings.


1-1/4 cups chopped onion
1 cup chopped red bell pepper
1 Tbsp. oil
3/4 cup fresh mangos, peeled & cubed
1 cup mango nectar
1 Tbsp. fresh ginger, minced
2 tsp. balsamic vinegar
1/4 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
1 Tbsp. flour

Directions: Saute onions and red bell pepper over medium heat for 5-8 minutes until soft. Stir in flour. Add mango, mango nectar, ginger, vinegar and red pepper flakes. Cook, stirring over medium heat until sauce boils and is thickened. Serve hot over chicken, fish or pork. (National Onion Association)

Nutritional Analysis: Calories 104, Total Fat 1g, Carbohydrates 23g, Protein 3g.


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