Question: |
How can I write a good cv (curriculum vitae)? |
Category: |
Job & Careers > Career Counseling |
Keywords: |
find, job, prepare, write, cv, curriculum vitae |
Type: |
how |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 437 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 2 |
When a Resume, When a CV?
When talking about the CV, it is important to note how this term is used by examining the type of job you are applying for as well as the geographic region where the employer and opening is located.
- In the United States, a Curriculum Vitae ("CV" or "vitae") is "a comprehensive, biographical statement emphasizing your professional qualifications and activities." It is not the standard resume used in most employment settings but a variation provided only when specifically requested, usually in pursuit of an academic or research position.
- In other countries, the CV is the standard resume, although the format and some of the information included may differ from customary practice in the U.S.
This Colorado College article on Curriculum Vitae [PDF] includes a section on When a CV is Appropriate and may be useful in determining if you should send a resume or CV when applying for a position.
Academic or Professional CV
What is the Right Resume for Me: The Curriculum Vitae, JobStar
Preparing a Curriculum Vitae (CV), Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D., Quintessential Careers
Sample Web Curriculum Vitas, Quintessential Careers
Tips on Creating an Academic Vita, Social Psychology Network -- includes a sample template
Tips on Writing a Curriculum Vitae, American Chemical Society Department of Career Management and Development [PDF]
On Paper - Resume, CV, Cover Letter, Teaching and Research Statements, Duke University Career Center (Graduate Student Services)
Curriculum Vitae, Colorado College Career Center [PDF]
Writing Your Curriculum Vitae, Dartmouth College Office of Graduate Studies -- includes information on supplementary materials you may need to submit with your vita when applying for a job.
The non-U.S. (non-academic) CV
GreatCV's. This UK-based site offers guidance on creating a CV, in this case a general-employment document like a resume. However, they also point out the differences between your general CV and the academic CV needed by professionals in the academic, medical, and research fields and offer some guidelines for this type of document.
Preparing Your CV (Haybrook UK)
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How can I write a good cv (curriculum vitae)?
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