Question: |
Why do people close their eyes when they sneeze? |
Category: |
Health & Beauty > Other |
Keywords: |
close, eyes, sneeze |
Type: |
why |
Rating: (1 ratings) Views: 1236 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 2 |
We don't know exactly why people close their eyes when they sneeze. Actually not each of us closes eyes when sneezing. Some don't.
Some scientists theorize that we close our eyes to reduce the particles and microorganisms in the sneeze spray from landing in our eyes.
Actually, closing eyes could simply be part of the bodywide sneeze reflex where a lot of muscles in the face, throat, chest, abdomen, thighs, and back contract. This neurological message of sneeze reflex comes from a primitive part of the brain called medulla oblongata.
Not only an irritation in the nose can cause a sneeze, some people sneeze when they are exposed to sudden bright light. And some people sneeze with their eyes open.
[1] Why do my eyes close every time I sneeze? M.G. Sherborn,
[2] Shuteye sneezing,
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Why do people close their eyes when they sneeze?
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