Question: |
What is the difference between elements, atoms, molecules and compounds? |
Category: |
Science > Chemistry |
Keywords: |
difference, chemistry, compound, molecule, atom, element |
Type: |
what |
Rating: (3 ratings) Views: 2241 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 2 |
Atom: The smallest unit of matter that retains the properties of an element.
Element: A substance that cannot be broken down to simpler substances, i.e. it contains atoms all of one sort. Salt is made up of the elements sodium and chloride. Water is made up of the elements hydrogen and oxygen.
Molecule: A group of 2 or more atoms held together by chemical bonds. A molecule is formed when atoms of the same or different elements combine. A molecule is the smallest particle of a substance that can normally exist independently. When molecules are bonded together, they still have the same properties of that substance.
Compound: A substance containing 2 or more elements chemically joined with a fixed ratio. Water, salt, and sugar are examples of compounds. When the elements are joined, the atoms lose their individual properties and have different properties from the elements they are composed of.
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What is the difference between elements, atoms, molecules and compounds?
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