Question: |
What is the right way to dispose fats, cooking oils and grease? |
Category: |
Home & Garden > Cleaning & Laundry |
Keywords: |
FOG, fat, cooking oil, grease, dispose, drain, get rid of |
Type: |
what |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 591 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 1 |
Waste fat, oil and grease (FOGs) are often produced in cooking, washing or other cleaning of cooking utensils. Pouring FOGs down the drain could cause overflows by blocking the flow of wastewater inside a sewer and make wastewater to flow back into homes.
How FOGs Cause Overflow
- FOGs harden to a plaster-like consistency inside a plumbing system or a public sewer. The accumulation is very likely to happen where tree roots have grown into a sewer main.
- FOGs block the flow of wastewater when they accumulate in a sewer, especially when a combination of roots and grease is present.
- When there is a blockage, wastewater can spill out of a manhole into the natural environment, or it can flow back into a house or other building.
Proper FOGs Disposal
- A simple but effective method is to scrape or wipe fat, oil and grease off pots, pans, plates, bowls, etc. Use a paper towel(s) or newsprint, etc. to absorb FOGs.
- For small amounts (1 quart or less) of fat, oil and grease, place the items in a sealed container with household solid waste. Do not dispose the liquids directly in a landfill.
- The right way to handle larger amounts of fat, oil, and grease is to bring them to a nearby Household Hazardous Waste Collection site. Check with your local government to find out where the collection site is in your county.
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What is the right way to dispose fats, cooking oils and grease?
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