Question: |
Are snails good or bad for plants? |
Category: |
Science > Zoology |
Keywords: |
good, harm, bad, pest, plants, garden, snail |
Type: |
other |
Rating: (0 ratings) Views: 694 Discussions: 0 In Watch Lists: 2 |
Snails eat tender plant tissues, such as leaves, flowers, root tips and can damage garden plants. Unlike many insect pests which feed only on certain types of plants, most species of snails are generalists, feeding on green plants, algae, fungi, decaying plant matter, or decaying animal matter. This feeding habit, in combination with their relatively large size, makes it difficult to control snails using contact poisons applied to plants.
While the average snail can be a pest to gardeners, the giant African land snail is a major threat. It eats more than 500 kinds of plants and can carry disease. New Zealand mud snails reproduce by cloning. A single snail is capable of producing a colony of 40 million in the course of a single year. In large numbers, these, algae-eating snails can completely cover a streambed and wreak havoc on local stream ecosystems, causing devastating impacts on local fish and amphibians.
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Are snails good or bad for plants?
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