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    Question ID:   4610         Current Version: 2
Question: How much carbon dioxide is produced by planes?
Category: Automotive & Transportation > Air Transportation
Keywords: produce, plane, emit, carbon dioxide, CO2
Type: other
Rating:(0 ratings)    Views: 2223    Discussions: 0   In Watch Lists: 2  


To calculate how much carbon dioxide (CO2) is produced by a plane, you need to know how long a trip last, how much fuel the plane consumes per hour, and how much carbon dioxide per unit of fuel produces. The total carbon dioxide produced by a plane for a trip would be:

    trip duration (hours) x fuel consumption per hourCO2 produced per unit of fuel

An internationally accepted fuel to CO2 conversion rate when one tonne of plane fuel kerosene is burnt is 3.11. Aviation Environment Federation estimates fuel consumption rate is about 3.1 tonnes per hour as the weighted average for passenger aircraft (Boeing 737-800 and Airbus A319). For a plane trip lasting 2 hours, the total carbon dioxide produced by the plane will bebe 19.282 tonnes of CO2:

    3.1 x 2 x 3.11 = 19.282 (tonnes)

The article published by Aviation Environment Federation shows that a figure of 36 million tonnes of CO2 emissions emitted by aircraft from all UK airports in 2005.

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